Wednesday 23 October 2013

Scream Opening

 9 shot storyboard


 Screen shot 1:Shows the title of the film "scream". The white bold font makes it stand out from the black background . The colours also represent the costume of the psycho. He wears a black cloak and a white screaming mask relating to the title.

Screen shot 2: Shows a young girl (damsel) at her home. She is at home and wearing white showing her vulnerability. She is talking on the phone with a smile on her face showing the conversation is going well (positive).

Screen shot 3: This sis an establishing shot revealing the location. This also conforms the time of day which is night time where most horror films are set. The large house on it's own isolates the character again showing her vulnerability.
Screen shot 4:The popcorn is shown rising on the stove creating tension. As the storyline gets scarier and more dangerous the popcorn get loader and rises more . Eventually when the psycho is in the home the popcorn sets on fire which represents danger.

Screen shot 5:The image shows a young man (boyfriend) wearing a school sports jacket (jock). He is tied to a chair outside with duct tape on his face. This immediately changes the tone of the film. This creates panic as the boy has a panicked face showing he is scared and in danger. The garden is covered in a mist covering any sight of the killer and creates a spooky atmosphere.

Screen shot 6:There is a dramatic difference in the girls expression as she is now hysterically crying showing fear and that she is scared for the safety of herself and her boyfriend. It is made clear the man on the phone is the psycho.

Screen shot 7: The boy is now shown covered in blood and lifeless. It is obvious he has been murdered and the girl is next.

Screen shot 8: The killer is shown smashing through a window, it is clear that he wants to kill the girl as he is aggressive. His costume is revealed here , this makes him look more sinister as his identity is hidden. This sudden smash through the window will make the audience jump.

Screen shot 9:The killer is shown chasing the victim and grabbing her. Help is nowhere as the house was shown isolated from others .He plunges the knife into her stomach killing her .

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