Monday 4 November 2013

The devil inside finished


The Devil inside Remake


 In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly murdered three people during her own exorcism.

Why we chose this

I suggested this clip as I had seen the film before and new we only needed two female characters so we didn't need any extra actors or camera crew. This film is a documentary style horror so would be easier to film as it did not need to look too professional. Their is also no need for any extra blood or effects.


Charlie (myself) - Maria's daughter

Rachel -             Maria
Georgia-             Camera operator

Original clip-


Charlie : Maria , I'm your daughter
Rachel: connect the cuts (repeatedly), Do you know how to connect the cuts (reveals arm)
Charlie: Did you do that to yourself?
Rachel:(shows lip and leans in) It's against gods will you know (nods and smiles) , Screams

Things needed-

  • Camera -(teachers video camera)
  • Clamp stand (for camera)
  • Location (empty classroom)
  • Red Pen-(For scars)


 - We decided to film at school as the setting look similar to the one in the clip. As all three of us are in the same media class we were aloud to film this during the lesson. It was filmed in a free classroom so there were no distractions and roughly took 30 minutes.

Final film-

Editing-(Joint work)

Using 'Windows Live Movie Maker' we  imported the videos clips of the recreation by clicking on the add videos and images button. We added our video clips from the shared area and put them in order that they were filmed in .

                                                                                We then decided that the clip of Rachel saying "Connect the cuts" wasn't effective in the beginning because she was smiling before she said the dialogue. We split the clip just before she started to speak so it cut out the majority of the laughing so she looked more serious. We then deleted the section that we did not need.


The same thing then happened for the next clip because before the line she smiled. This didn't look effective because it gave off the impression that the line was supposed to be comical, meaning that we wouldn't get the reaction off of the audience that we wanted. We resolved this problem by splitting the clip.

The next clip then didn't follow the original scene because it started to follow up the arm before it was suppose to. We decided the cut the clip just after I  said my line so that the next clip followed on after and  it looked more effective. We did this the same way by splitting the clip and deleting the section we didn't need.

The next clip had my voice in the background as I did not realise the they started filming ,this made the clip less effective so we decided to mute the volume so the audience wouldn't hear what she was saying. This was done by clicking the volume button and putting it down to mute so that there was no sound in the clip.

 For the final clip we split Rachel screaming. We split this because we didn't want the clip to drag on and so decided to split it a few seconds after she started moving backwards and scream and then deleted it.

Evaluation - I believe under the pressured time and limited room to chose form we as a group produced an effective remake. I feel that the camera angles and editing made the clip look similar to the actual devil inside clip.

Camera shots.

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