Monday 16 September 2013

Camera angles/photoshoot

Camera angles

The zombie hunter photo-shoot.

I took these photos of my brother to experiment with different camera angles. My brother was more than happy to pose as long as he could dress up as a Zombie hunter and as long as he looked "cool".

Long shot - Shows whole body and  emphasises the costume used and establishes the scenery.This can be used to isolate as he is alone in a large area shown by the scenery This shot can also be used to show a larger number of characters and their full bodies. 

Medium shot- shows a  person from waist up giving a feeling of closeness to the character. This shot can normally fit up to 1-3 people in it. This shot is usually used in scenes of exchanging dialogue and is used to focus on on what the character is holding.


Close up- shows characters face and reveals their facial expressions to describe the characters emotions in the film,. This shot concentrates on the whole of the persons head.

  Extreme close up- focuses on a small part of a person or object. For this shot the camera focuses on the upper part of the face (eyes and nose) to look beyond the characters physical appearance to show they are really feeling which can be shown in the eyes (watery eyes =crying).

  Low angle shot- taken from a lower angle then the object/character ,This is used to make the camera look inferior to the character showing his importance as he is looking down on the camera. This can be used to make a character look intimidating.
Upper angle shot -Taken above  character looking down .Looks down on character making him look inferior to the viewer and his current status in the film. This shot can be used to show a character in distress.

Birds eye  view - Looking down from very high up ( like a bird looking down).
Used  to show scenery from above and main settings. Can isolate a character or used to study whats happening from above. Often used when in characters are in a maze to show their current position.

Worms eye view - Camera looking up .Usually used to show higher characters
, buildings or the sky. Used to show a disturbance in the sky . Establishes weather (rainy , sunny , day , night)

1 comment:

  1. I like these! Well done in choices of subject. Be more specific in your explanation of the effect of different camera angles and shots.
