Monday 16 September 2013

Frankenstein analysis

Frankenstein analaysis

Frankenstein  contains many of the classic horror conventions which makes it a good start for analysis. This will introduce many of the key concepts that I will need to start planning for my film.

These conventions include:

-Setting- dark , gloomy day/ cloudy sky ( This sets the scene , the bad weather suggests the genre of the film)                            
-Props-coffin , grim reeper statue (Implies death)
-Main characters- Doctor Frankenstein and Egor (Creepy appearance of both characters implies they aren't you average men)
-Key credits-presents at the start (Reveals vital actors)
-Introduction-Man giving a warning (Sets the scene and reveals the genre)
-location-spooky graveyard (Shows the theme of the film , death)
-Music - woman crying and bells ringing ( Depressive and sinister combination emphasises genre)
Introduction-giving off a warning and revealing the horror genre. This adds a dark  tone to the opening scene of the film and makes it look sinister.The speaker is set to frighten the audience . The man is dressed up on a stage to show he is speaking to an audience , which are the viewers watching the movie . The man speaks in a deep non-emotional voice that also brings the tone down and sounds serious. The mid shot reveals his posture as he is speaking to an audience , his costume and his facial expression.
The  funeral attenders crying makes it apparent that they had a connection with the dead man . Instead of music creating suspense the woman cry and the bell do the same job. This sounds disturbing and eerie . \The mid shot shows their black costumes (funeral wear) and their emotional facial expressions.

Bell ringer at the funeral creates a scary tone. The bell 
echoing sounds spooky again enphasising the genre of the film.The bell ringing sybolises the death of the man and that he is passing on. The tracking shot makes it seem as if someone is watching the bell ringer leave.

Main characters introduced at the start of the film.They appear to be hiding and observing the grave.
 This shows they are up to no good. There seems to be a master and a servant as doctor Frankenstein controls the freaky looking hunch baked man.The fact they are spying at a funeral seems strange in itself. The close up shows a very concentrated expression on doctor Frankenstein's face shows he is determine to know what is happening.

When everyone has left , the dynamic duo begin to dig up the recently buried coffin for unknown reasons.This shot also shows the skeleton statues symbolizing death and horror. The wide shot reveals both the doctor and the skeleton adding a sense of evil to what he is doing.

             The coffin is then risen from the ground . The mid shot shows their actions as well as them although they are half way in a hole. This shot shows the spooky settings. This makes the audience wonder what they want with the body.The overall image look disturbing.
After grave robbing the two men then see a hanging man which is considered to be disturbing. It show how the doctor is in charge ans he makes the smaller hunched back man do the dirty work of  cutting down the body. This gives the two a villainous look and shows they are up to no good.The lower angle shot shows the height in which Egor has climbed .

1 comment:

  1. Use more media specific terminology in referring particularly to camera use and angles, sound and editing and how they all contribute to setting the tone of 'horror.'
