Tuesday 17 September 2013

Walking dead opening analaysis

Walking dead opening

 The walking dead is a zombie based TV series ,although this is not a horror film it was a well invested TV series which had the same qualities as a film. This is an analysis of the opening before the title sequence which introduces us to the series.
Before any dialogue , the first clip shown is a Sherriff walking through an overturned city. Without knowing the storyline to the film , it is apparent the city has been destroyed. Without any introduction the overturned city shows that cars have been flipped over and long lines of cars stuck in traffic have been abandoned with the doors flung open . This again gives the audience clues , such as how the town has been left seems as if people ran from the cars from something.
 This is an effective use of scenery and settings as it completely emphasises and portrays the horror and the effect of what has happened.
Again , these first few minutes tell us a lot about the character. The sheriff walks through the streets confidently holding an empty gasoline tank . This obviously shows he is well aware of what's going on and has dealt with it for some time. The empty gas tank reveals that he is looking for a gas station for fuel. Already we know he has some form of transport still in use .
His uniform again reveals his occupation and also explains why he has access to a bag full of weapons . The weapons show that the city may be under attack or that he will have to be violent.
When walking past the abandoned cars the camera turns to the driver seats to view the dead and rotting civilians . This concentration again reveals that people have died whilst in their everyday lifestyle , however their sign of living people anywhere , isolating the character. Their are close ups of children's toys which have been left behind , this portrays the innocence of a child and that there is a much sadder tone to the TV show.

After reaching the gas station , there is a close up on the sheriffs face as he hears a noise. When a little girl walks past in a dressing gown they do not reveal her face , By doing this it is unclear to the audience what or who this girls in , The sheriff calls out to her but as soon n as she turns around the theme of the story is revealed as she appears to be a zombie.

The girls costume is effective as she wears typical girl pyjamas , including patterned pyjamas and a pinks dressing gown and slippers, This shows that even the most innocent of people were affected by the change.

Again , as an audience we know the infection has been going on for a long time as the sheriff hesitated for a second before shooting the child.  Thus seems horrific which links to the genre of horror . This is directly followed by the opening credits and title sequence.


The title sequence is clever. It fills in the unexplained happening of the infection and opens up the plot a bit more. The key credits are shown over short clips of parts of the city used in the TV series. Every single clip has a dim effect on the camera making it seem depressing and eerie. The theme tune over the music is slightly disturbing and has an effect added to it to reform the classic piano theme.


1 comment:

  1. Some good analysis and clear understanding of the codes and conventions of horror films. Avoid just storytelling and make comments more tied to the four focus areas: sound,editing, use of camera and mise en scene.
