Friday 11 April 2014



Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Answered as a video of myself speaking as well as videos , slides and pictures.

Question 3 -What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Answered a video of various images and clip with my voice over.

Questions 2 , 4 and 5 - Created using PowToon  which uses a series of animations , pictures and voice overs.

Question 6 - Created using PowToon which uses a series of animations , pictures and voice overs.

Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? Created using Powtoon.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Evaluation : attempt 1

Evaluation - Problem

Overall I wanted my Evaluation to look creative as well as professional so I downloaded software that would allow me to screen capture as well as other technical adjustment. Eventually I found a programme called Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 which was free.

This allowed me to record my voice , webcam and screen at the same time. It took me a long time to record it , narrate and cut videos. However the file it used was unsuitable to use for YouTube and Blogger so I was unable to upload it.

Pictures of my Evaluation I could not upload:

I am now redoing the three questions I started as well as the other questions on Windows Movie Maker . It may take a few days to finish but it us a working progress.

Monday 24 February 2014

Final movie - finished

Slaughter Graph 

This is my final film opening. This does not however include my own institution and my other institution. Please stop this video at  1.43 as it finishes there .

Diary - Day 2 of filming

Day 2


The purpose of the second day of filming is to us the table in the tunnel and props as I do not need anyone else .

How it went-

The day started off raining but halfway through filming died down . It was extremely,y cold so I has my thick coat on with a hood to keep me dry however the camera lens got wet so I had to continuously wipe it and shelter it with my hand. As the weather was poor there was nobody about to get in the way but I must admit it was scary in the tunnel in the rain. The pylons around the fields fizzed which also was frightening and rushed me to finish. As there was no paths just mud I got very dirty which was annoying.


Before hand I put all my props in a bag including some childlike drawings I drew earlier . I also bought bottled water but no food as I did not expect to be out that long. I bought my phone incase I was in danger or if something went wrong.


There were many problems during this day of filming . Firstly the crime scene tape I bought would not stick to the sides of he tunnel and continuously blew away. I ended up having to tie the ends of the tape to bushes either side of the tunnel. Secondly the drawings kept blowing off  the table resulting in me running after them . In the end I weighed them down with nearby rocks.

The biggest and most irritating issue I had was that I was not paying attention to the camera and ended up taking photos instead of videos . When I got home to look at them after an hour of filming I was so angry that I had to do it all again.

This is one of the photos I took instead of a video.

Diary-Day 1 of filming

Day 1


The purpose of this session of filming was to film my actress running away. This is so when it comes to filming props I will not be wasting Alanah and Priya's time as they are not needed.

How it went-

On the first day of filming the weather was windy and dull . This was a good setting for my filming as it created a realistic horror environment however caused some problems. As it was cold Alanah was uncomfortable as her jumper and shirt was were very thin and her hat continuously blew off which disturbed filming.
The filming took longer than expected so I did not capture all the footage I wanted as Alanah was getting warn out from running. However I got most of the filming with alanah in it done so I needed to change my sequence of footage as I did not get all of it done.


Before filming the three of us went to the supermarket (5 min walk) to get refreshments for the day. This kept both my actress Alanah and helper Priya happy.


The wind was again a problem as it interrupted filming , Also the woods used had a public footpath throughout , this resulted in occasional strangers walking past. This caused slight embarrassment as alanah has a dated outfit on and smudged makeup and also interrupted me filming as I as not comfortable with strangers seeing me direct.

Another problem was that Alanah did not understand my directions and I may have rushed through what she had to do . Alanah also had difficulty running in my Dr martens as I have larger feet and the design of boot are very heavy.

When using the camera a clamp stand was unavailable for me to use at the time . This resulted in a lot of my film being shaky as I felt pressured to keep it still.


Here are a few clips I have taken from filming which show some issues during filming.

Designing Institution


I wanted to keep my earlier idea of the red candy skull but make it look more sinister than celebratory. This will highlight the horror genre and the overall feel of the film. I decided to make it look more scary by adding a flickering candle in my planning as a colourful skull on it's own will look too celebratory and bright. However I came to find that my skills were limited when making a moving image . This meant I had to change the idea again .

Making of the logo:

1. I found a image of a skull and candle  to use as a stencil on the internet as drawing any image on a laptop keyboard can prove challenging and unprofessional.

This is the stencil I used.

2. Using a free photo editing site

I wanted to use a good , reliable website which would allow me to carefully edit this image for free .
Click to enlarge

After searching for a free photo editor I found Pixlr which was very easy to use .

3.Basics - colouring in

The site is very easy to use. You simply open the image saved and it gives you the options above to edit . layer , filter and adjust. Firstly I filled the background in black to give off a sense darkness,

4. Ogars have layers

Using the layering tool I opened my plain image and zoomed into it to paint patterns and fill colours onto it without it becoming pix elated and scruffy . This took some time.

I then took the smudge brush to add a lighter black to give off a candle lit effect.

5. Finishing touches.

As the candle would have to be a still image I tried different shades of yellows and oranges to portray a glowing flame.I ended up with different flame types.

6. Title

I chose the first image as it looked effective and artistic . I then added a text for my title .I used a Large Gothic font . I ended up putting the "RIGOR" in capitals and black and "MORTIS" in red. The black text however is faint but I like it as it looks faded in the darkness away from the candle.

7. Moving image

As I am not a computer wiz I could not create the flicker but instead decided to make the image move altogether in Movie maker. I used a transition to zoom up the image as an illusion.

8. Music

To keep to the Day of the Dead theme as well as the horror I did not add music but a traditional Mexican cheer during a song.

Final -

Symbol - Final

Symbol creation- final

I decided to use Idea 3 as it is more simple a lot like the ones used in films. The other two ideas seemed to complicated or revealing of the story line.

In my film opening I will use fake blood to create the symbol so it looks cut into the body ( to put the slaughter in Slaughtergraph). This will be painted on my victims wrist. I will add makeup and or dirt to create a dirty wrist to show the struggle caused.

The fake blood I will be using is Tesco's own which I bought as part of a face painting kit during the Halloween season . I decided to use the bought blood instead of the made blood we as a class created earlier is because the bought blood comes in a small , resealable container which I can take in a bag of props without worrying it will leak . This also has a small hole to apply the blood with making it easier to use.

As I will us my arm instead of Alanah's to film I have checked I am not allergic to any of the substances used in the blood.
However this blood has a warning that shows this product stains so I will have to wear old clothing which I wouldn't mind getting stained.