Saturday 4 January 2014

Character profile

The unseen character

Even though my killer will not be revealed in my horror film opening , his back story is important as it will be relevant to they symbol left on the victims body.This will set up the mystery for my horror film and reveal it's genre.

I already have decided my character once lived alone in the woods as it will explain the reason he has chosen that certain location to commit his murder. This begs the questions why was he alone? did he have a family ? Why did he not live in the town? This helped me create his background as I needed to answer the questions.

Character Profile

Name - Trevor Emanuel 
Nicknames- The creature of the woods 
Age - unknown
Costume - Lumberjack outfit - red and black checked coat , ripped jeans , blood soaked t-shirt.
Weapon - Axe and utility knife.

I decided to give Trevor a Lumberjack outfit as he lives in the woods. Also successful slasher killers in horror films have a signature outfit and no character has has this outfit so far . He will use an axe as it coordinates with his lumberjack like appearance and is relevant to his way of life. The utility knife is used to leave the delicate marking on his victims. He cannot use the axe to create delicate marking so needed a steady weapon to do so.

Trevor's past / childhood -

When Trevor was young he killed his baby sister Mary. To cover/ protect their son the parents agreed to take him away from civilization and lead him to the dark parts of the woods and never returned. Trevor was blind folded so he could not see the way home and was forced to survive in the woods. Not knowing his reasons for his urge to kill people he was left to hunt food and build a home from wood. He enjoyed killing animals but as he grew up he was no longer satisfied. When young adults backpacked through the woods , Trevor would viciously kill them with his axe. He then carved a symbol  on the bodies and took them to the opening of the woods to be found by people passing by. Firstly he killed a young couple around twenty years old. He killed the girlfriend instantly but the man was harder to attack . Learning from this he stole the victims Lumberjack looking clothes and decided only to prey on young women as he was frightened to be stuck in another confrontation with a man. 

Trevor's innocent and clueless character reveals he has never learned to be a round people or ever received help . This will create sympathy from the audience towards him as he still has a child's mind and does not know how to act around people as they are seen as a threat.

He leaves the bodies to be found as a warning to people not to come near the dark parts of the woods as it his territory. The symbol is purely to show the deaths are no coincidence.

The hunting of the creature

The town of star-cross formed a witch hunt for Trevor or as they called him "the creature of the woods". He was seen as pure evil and followed up to his log cabin . The mob then through petrol bombs at the house . Although his body was not found he was presumed dead.

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