Thursday 30 January 2014


Victoria's makeup

Make-up- Face: Victoria in the film opening is representing an older murder to the present day. As the film opening is going to have a Gothic like theme , I gave Alanah a pale face using white base face paint. However I avoided using too much face paint as it would have resulted in a clown like appearance.

Eyes: Too make her look upset and Gothic I used a mixture of black face paint and eye shadow . The black face paint created a dark underlay of the eyelid whereas the smudged eye shadow gave a tired, misty look. Mascara was used to emphasize her eyelashes showing her feminine look.

Lips- I did not want use lipstick , however having a paler face makes her lips look no exsistant so I used a thin layer of "rose" lipstick to again show her gender.

Hair- Originally , I wanted to straighten Alanah's her to make it appear longer , I then realized as this scene is set back in the day , straighteners will not have been used. Due to this I left it natural but brushed so it looks neat.   

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