Friday 3 January 2014



Know I have chosen my Premise I have a clear idea of what characters to include in my film opening. My film opening sounds complicated as my scenes consist of two different scenes merged together. This will be the murder itself and the aftermath of the murder not necessarily in that order. 

Main Character -

Character name : Victoria May
Character Age - 16
Character Appearance - Young , Slim , Long hair 

The main on screen character is my victim who is a teenage , slim girl who is being chased by the killer. The victim is female as young girls are seen as more vulnerable than young men which will emphasize she is in trouble and is defenseless against the murderer. Casting a female actress for this part will be easier as I have close friends who fit the profile.

As most of the scenes are based on Victoria and the rest are shots of the crime scene it isn't necessary for any more characters too be shown,But this doesn't mean I won't add scenes of other characters in to show a definite time difference.

Character confirmation- My close friend Alanah is more than happy to play the part of Victoria . She fits the character profile and took Drama for G.C.S.E so is good at acting. Having a close friend to play the part is great as it makes it easier to cooperate with her and she will not be embarrassed to act like a "looney" . She is happy for me to do her face paint and makeup which works well.

(Me on the left. Alanah on right)

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